Update for the week
We have had another busy week with sooo much on….Where to start?
First week of Candy being away on Holidays and I survived the extra shifts and a day with Noah at work with me (Oh and we had Amber as well for most of the day).
Miltons School won their first game in the Toyworld Cup Soccer Comp, even though he was a reserve for the game he was over the moon. He has such a great team spirit.
Naomi-Jon’s skin seems to be improving, although she is still fighting the first stages of a skin infection. If we can just beat it now we should have a good winter with her health.
Quentin bought me flowers yesterday and Naomi-Jon asked “What did Dad do wrong?” She is only 8 but she already knows what guys do when they have done the wrong thing. Heaven help her future husband.
We finished yesterday with haircuts and everyone left really happy. Noah was pleased that “His Mandy” cut his hair. Milton talked Jess into cutting his hair shorter than he has had it since he was 7 and Jess cut some funky layers back into Naomi-Jon’s hair again. Mandy did a fab job with my hair trying something a bit different for the plan of attack on the thickness and bulk. The results are fabulous and we are all really happy…..as we always are after a visit to Mandy’s.
Anyway on the creative front I haven’t finished a lot except some cards earlier in the week. I am working on a bracelet revamp and redesign for Alannah at the moment. All she asked me to do is repair it, but I have managed to redesign it in the process. Should get some stuff done tonight at the crop.
BTW….I am in a card swap over at the Scrapbook Fantasies Forum and we only need one more person to get it moving along, so if you are interested why not log-in and put your name down….I can’t wait to see what everyone does.
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