Family Life
Mar Update
Mum is back home in Gladstone with us tonight and she is doing well. The operation on Monday was a success, although we won’t know the full Pathology results until the end of next week. The Skin Graft is healing well and the area where it was removed from is doing really well too. Mum has done well with her recovery until they gave her some pain relief for the flight home (not her idea). Anyway she is here now and we are very happy to have her home. She will be living in our house of chaos for quite some time, and will be happy to have visitors and phone calls.
That’s wonderful news, Alicia. Give your mum a hug from Russ and me as we are pleased to know things went well with her and she is back home
Alicia, Glad all things went well with Mar’s operation. Prayers for her continuing recovery. Give her our love Jenny