So July has been and gone…Where did it go? Well we had a really busy month around here.
The highlights in no particular order are:
Noah turned 3
Milton went to a cool Scout Camp called ‘Aliens’
I had a huge month at work
Quentin continued his fill-in at work
Naomi-Jon redecorated the Barbie house at least five times
Milton attended a Music Workshop and they put on a fabulous concert
We picked the first of our corn, zucchini and strawberries
Naomi-Jon completed her first communion
I got braces, and boy do they hurt (still wearing a bottom splint for the moment to help keep my jaw in place)
We postponed the pool construction AGAIN
We got a bit closer with the Reno
One of my pages appeared in Scrapbook Creations Magazine
My website has more than it’s fair share of issues
All the kids were sick
Naomi-Jon got a few badges from Cubs
We had a fabulous time together
…and heaps more
Here are some pictures from Noah’s Birthday dinner. (Yes we let him cut his own cake, although he did more of a hack job on it)
Naomi-Jon eating our first Corn Cob.
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